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Miniature Games

war games, miniature games, tank and army on battlefield

war games, miniature games, tank and army on battlefield

Warcry miniature game, skrimish

Warcry miniature game, skrimish

Heroclix miniature game, battle, marvel, dc, superheroes

Heroclix miniature game, battle, marvel, dc, superheroes

warhammer 40k, age of sigmar, miniatures, games workshop

warhammer 40k, age of sigmar, miniatures, games workshop

Warhammer Underworlds League, tableop miniature war game

Warhammer Underworlds League, tableop miniature war game

Heroclix, Marve, DC, superheros

Heroclix, Marve, DC, superheros

Paint & Take event, painting miniatures, hobby nights

Paint & Take event, painting miniatures, hobby nights

Warhammer Underworlds Wabands

Warhammer Underworlds Wabands

Miniature Games are back up and running!


We host a Miniatures Club night every Saturday, starting at 6 PM. During this time, you are welcome to bring in your own game to set up (as space allows), check out our featured miniatures game for the week, or just sit and build or paint miniatures! 


Wanting to play on another night? Feel free to send us a message or give us a call to see if we have an open table for you to use for your game.


See the Events page for more details!

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